Impian Education Camp in Kg. Pasir, Miri, Sarawak (19th - 24th September 2015)

This was my very first trip to Sarawak, the largest state in Malaysia, which is also known as the Land of the Hornbills / “Bumi Kenyalang” (in fact, this was my first time to visit East Malaysia too). I was there to join the Impian Education Camp organized by Impian Malaysia as a volunteer photographer. Little did I know that this eye-opening trip would impact me so greatly that eventually I became part of the Impian Malaysia's team on the end of February 2016. 

I've accidentally booked an earlier flight to Miri, Sarawak. (as reckless as usual, haha) Instead of getting there on the 19th together with other fellow volunteers, I reached Miri on the 15th September, 2015. Luckily there's a very helpful local Mirian, Ah Young who helped to arrange my accommodation and brought me around despite being really busy with his work. So when I was alone and free for those few days before the education camp started, I traveled around Miri city and visited the remarkable Niah Cave as well.


We had a short conversation with this friendly uncle staying nearby the Niah National Park.

These 2 guys standing behind this girl gave me a free ride to the Batu Niah bus station (it would cost me RM30 if I were to hail an illegal cab). And what's more they even treated me a to delicious meal before sending me off. Couldn't be thankful enough to have met nice people like them!

On the 16th September 2015, Celine, a solo backpacker from Belgium whom I met in the hostel left some Ringgit Malaysia and a note wishing me Happy Malaysia Day on my bed.

On the 19th September, we finally arrived at Kampung Pasir, a densely populated squatter village located at Lutong, Miri with deplorable hygiene condition and no electricity supply, which is also the place where we would be conducting the education camp.

Hi there!

My foster mother, Kak Riti and her 2 sons, little Jackson & Jojo. Jojo is literally the star of the Kg. Pasir, he's always the center of attention wherever he goes!

Prisicilla (Riti's daughter) and her newborn baby.

Look how focused they are! (picture taken during the Impian Education Camp)

Chee Ling, who was one of the rural outreach coordinator of  Impian Malaysia at that time. Since then she has become a great mentor and also a good friend of mine. 

Winnie and Juin, the 2 energetic and bubbly volunteers who had brought us so much smiles and laughter during the education camp.

Little Jackson, I hope you're doing well.

The volunteer teacher, Cheese (front right) and I stayed with our foster family (Kak Riti, Priscilla, the elder brother, Jackson and Jojo) for the past 5 nights. Their wooden house is built on the river, and a diesel generator is used to generate electricity for the house. Most of the families staying in the squatter areas will only power up their generators at night for a maximum of 4 to 5 hours to minimize the diesel fuel consumption. Kak Riti has taken really good care of us during our stay in Kg. Pasir, and she treated us just like her own children. I saw her tearing up a bit when we bade her goodbye.

The cheeky brothers

Alexander Gap preferred to send us off this way. 

Goodbye Kampung Pasir!!
